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The Facebook Mystery Solved with Sally Hendrick

Are you seemingly stumped by all the advice and ideas you are given about Facebook marketing? Do you want to understand the basics of how it works for a local or national based small business? Me too! So, we asked Sally Hendrick to spend a few minutes with us to explain things.

We started our discussion with geo targeting ads. They are a great way to attract leads within a defined territory. These are great for local businesses or events. This is something you may try, to alert people within the zone of your choosing, to come try out your business. It's powerful because it is targeting them while they are in the area.

We also talked about using video in your ads. There are places for short 5 to 15 second videos and places for longer videos. Used properly, they both have specific advantages. Regardless, videos are growing in popularity and will only increase in the coming months and years.

Retargeting is an often overlooked, but an extremely necessary conversion tactic. This is something that many business owners overlook. The power of retargeting is as simple as understanding the number of touch points it takes to land a client. A sales person knows it takes 7 to 8 times, if not more, to sell a new client on average. However, we as owners get frustrated when our ads don't sell like we think they should. The reason for this may simply be a lack of touches. 

The all important process for building trust is the real key to ad conversions. We have to walk the potential leads through a process of why, how and what. We explain these further in the podcast. Basically, it is telling your story, building a vision and then showing how your product or service helps them attain that. It is emotionally tying them to what you offer. It sets you up as the business that can help them. 

Nurturing through email and ads is another powerful way to increase conversions and build trust. The idea is to continue to offer content and knowledge to build trust and a relationship. As they consume the value added content, and even benefit from it, they see your business as the go to for the product or service you offer. 

At the end of this conversation, I captured several great ideas that we will be implementing into our business. The only way to grow and learn is to try and fail, until you succeed. That is what we will be doing and I hope you will too. Of course obtaining the sound advice from a Facebook expert like Sally will help us succeed a little faster and fail a little less. Whether you do it yourself or use a marketer, if you desire to grow your business with Facebook, start now and go for it. 

Enjoy the Journey!

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